February 13, 2025
Winter Wellness Tips

Beat the Winter Blues with Help from NJ Wellness Experts

How do you beat the NJ winter blues? Lack of sunlight, poor air quality from indoor heat sources, and being cooped up with little physical activity all take their toll on our physical and mental health during the cold weather season.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Need Not be Your “Normal” Each Winter in NJ

When temps plunge into the teens and single digits, our first instinct is often to just burrow away under a blanket and lose ourselves in the quasi-reality of the social media scroll. But this is likely to worsen the problem.

Winter Blues, Be Gone! Winter Wellness Tips to Keep You Healthy and Happy

Let’s hear from some New Jersey wellness experts on what to do to shake off S.A.D., and cure the cold-weather blues.

Soak up the sun.

Make it a point to be outside in natural light as often as possible. Me, I venture out into the frozen tundra each day, to soak up some snow-reflected sunshine. I boot-stomp the local fitness trails, and occasionally break into a trot.

Snow in NJ, January 2025

NJ-based functional nutritionist Micki Contini gives the nod of approval, with science based information on the importance of getting enough sunshine, especially at this time of year. She says:

“Our bodies are largely run by light! We have a part of the brain called SCN (master clock) that interprets the time of day. This directs the production of specific hormones, including happiness brain chemicals.”

Nutritionist Micki Contini

She continues, “The internal master clock breaks down when we over-use devices (cell phones, computers, TV) and keep windows closed (light comes in, but infrared is blocked).”

“Overuse of devices, and LED energy-efficient light bulbs cause an over abundance of blue light which is toxic to our nervous system. Think anxiety, depression.”

“We were meant to receive light that includes red/infrared rays. Full-spectrum light boosts our production of neurotransmitters that we need to be happy, not anxious among other things.”

Go to the light. Help your emotional health; boost hormone production and cure those winter blues

  • Head outside during the time when the sun is closest to earth — 12 noon. Aim for 15 to 30 minutes of direct sunlight per day.
  • Use full-spectrum light bulbs.

Bring the sun’s full spectrum indoors.

For those times when you can’t make it outside, invest in a full spectrum light bulb. At Home Depot or Lowe’s, these may be labeled as grow lights because gardeners use them to sprout seeds in the early spring.

Full spectrum light bulb on Amazon

Keep on moving, don’t stop.

I also recommend to keep on moving. Not only will it warm you up, but exercise raises your endorphin levels helping to stave off depression and alleviate anxiety.

But… it’s cold!

If you go outside in below freezing weather, take precautions. Don’t wander more than 10 minutes away from your vehicle. Make short loops on the exercise track or through the neighborhood.

This way, if you get really cold or if your fingers or ears or toes start to freeze you can just scamper on back to your vehicle, warm up and then head out for round two.

The quickest way to lose circulation in your fingers and toes is to just be standing there. You’d be surprised how quickly your body warms up once you get some physical activity in like trekking up a hill, or just taking a brisk walk through the snow.

And of course, outerwear really helps… even if you think you’re not a scarf or a hat person!

Copywriter Dina Gio, with knitted cowl

Just add Happiness: Bring the kids!

Children need sunlight, fresh air and exercise to grow, thrive and be happy. You get the benefits, too!

If you take your kids out sledding, don’t just sit in the car. Get into it. Pull the sled. Hike up the hill. Do it again. And again!

Muscle up.

Snow shoveling is also another great way to get some fresh air and sunshine while exercising your body. It feels great to get out and move, once you get past the tedium of bundling yourself and your kids up under all of those layers.

Indoor Exercise Helps Winter Blues, Too. Try These At-Home Workout Videos with Pilates Expert Laura Donatelli:

Freshen the air of your home.

We mentioned air quality. Let’s discuss ways to breathe better during the home heating season, when dry hot air affects our respiratory system, lowering our resistance to germs.

Plug in a cool mist humidifier.

These add moisture to the dry indoor air that occurs with home heating systems. They’re less likely than vaporizers to form mold, due to the use of cool mist rather than heated steam.

Cool mist humidifier on amazon

Diffuse essential oils.

Lemon and cinnamon purify the air of your home. Eucalyptus open the airways. Lavender acts as a mild, natural sedative to promote a restful night’s sleep.

Essential Oils Diffuser Set with Oils

Essential Oils diffuser amazon

What about motivation? And what if the weather is just too bad to exercise outdoors?

Laura Donatelli, Owner, Evolution Pilates Studio, Flemington, NJ

Set smart self care goals.

Pilates instructor Laura Donatelli of Evolution Studio in Flemington, NJ points out that most people tend to forget about New Year’s resolutions after winter really sets in.

She offers tips for how to keep good thoughts and self care momentum going all year.

“Pick small, attainable goals that stem from an add-on positive mindset. Examples:

  • ‘This year, I will set time aside weekly to read a good book.’
  • ‘This year when I am in a negative thought pattern, I will try to replace it with a positive one.’
  • ‘This year, I will reach for more colorful foods to add to my plate.'”

To keep you inspired for fitness and as her ongoing give-back to the community, Laura has created a library of 300+ fun, at-home workout videos, including Pilates, Barre, Physio-Ball and Full Body Reformer.

Sign up for her Pilates newsletter here, and explore her fitness workouts on YouTube.

Winter Blues Cures: Summary

Don’t let the winter blues keep you from enjoying the beauty of the season. When you’re feeling draggy and down, try the following:

  • Go outside and let your body soak up the natural light (or add full-spectrum light to your home or office)
  • Exercise on a regular basis; outdoors is a great mood lifter, but indoor workouts will help, too!
  • Add humidity to the indoor air; essential oils offer mood and health-boosting aromatherapy benefits
  • Set realistic wellness and self-care goals
  • Keep your thoughts positive
  • If these changes aren’t working to lift your spirits, reach out to friends and family, or seek the support of a mental health professional.


Thanks and Credit

Special thanks to these wellness experts for adding your suggestions and expertise to this article.

Micki Contini is a board-certified holistic nutrition consultant, Functional Health & Wellness Coach, Toxic Mold Detox Coach and Optimal Energy Coach in Belvidere, NJ. Reach her via her website, SimpleGoodHealth.com.

Laura Donatelli holds fitness certifications in ACE Certified Group fitness; TRX; FAI Functional AgingĀ  and ROLLGA Foam Rolling. She teaches Pilates in her studio, Evolution Pilates, in historic downtown Flemington, NJ. Sign up to hear about upcoming Pilates classes, or follow along with her latest workouts on YouTube.

Dina Gio holds a BA in Communication and brings 20 years of copywriting experience to your projects. She provides virtual copywriting services, and is the owner of this blog. Follow her at DinaGio.com