February 13, 2025

Herb Party in the Courtyard with Hilltop Herbals Easton PA

Here’s an invitation for upcoming weekend herbal delights with Hilltop Herbals! This comes from owner clinical herbalist Cheryl Karcher.

Sept 4 and 5, Saturday and Sunday: Herb Party in the Courtyard with Hilltop Herbals on North 2nd St, Easton PA

Want to have some end of summer fun with herbs!!?

Join me this weekend, for an end of summer “Herb Party in the Courtyard”, crafting fresh herb bundles for smudging, cooking, decorating,etc. , sipping herbal infused wine or (non alcohol) spritzers, and sharing herbal recipes, remedies, etc.

This Saturday, 12- 5, Sunday 1-4., Hilltop Herbals Apothecary inside Belle Ame Eco Boutique 34 North Second Street Easton PA

$20 pp gets you 2 herb bundles to craft and herbal infusions to drink!

No registration, just drop by and have fun!

Grow Your Knowledge of Herbs with Informational Lectures and Workshops from Cheryl Karcher

Cheryl offers interactive, seasonally appropriate herb workshops, classes and lectures.

She speaks on the medicinal uses of herbs, educating her audience on how herbs may offer beneficial relief from a variety of common ailments such as headaches, allergies, digestive troubles and other symptoms.

Cheryl also hosts fun and engaging local events, including but not limited to:

  • Herbal Tea Parties
  • Classes on Cooking with Herbs
  • Lessons on Creating Herbal Tinctures at Home
  • Workshops on Make-Your-Own Herbal Skincare Recipes

Cheryl Karcher, Clinical Herbalist at Hilltop Herbals

Herbals Apothecary now located inside Belle Ame Eco Boutique 34 North Second Street Easton PA.

Email: hilltopherbals@gmail.com
Phone: 908 319 0012

Visit the Hilltop Herbals Website