February 23, 2025


This sites serves 3 purposes. One, it’s a place for you to get your articles and content published for free. Why? Because I like helping people get found on search engines. Just email your content to healthyhappynj@gmail.com. It’s easy!

Two, I offer paid copywriting and web marketing services. If you’re not in the habit of shooting a quick email over to your copywriter and saying something like “Help me organize this content for our next newsletter,” or “Write me five blog posts on (topic),” or “I need a Canva ad to post on Facebook,” I’ll get you into that productive mindset. Email healthyhappynj@gmail.com

Three, I teach people how to create passive income online. How? Mainly by selling ebooks and courses. This is ideal if you’re a coach, author, speaker and expert looking to grow your audience and sell digital products. Also… LOTS of people make passive income online now by sharing blog articles and video content. We can talk about that, too.

You have to email me if you want to work together. Email healthyhappynj@gmail.com