February 23, 2025
Happy Hannukkah

On Being With Jewish People. Happy Hannukkah 2023

I grew up around Jewish people in the cultural melting pot that was our suburban town of central New Jersey.

The Jewish kids in our class were mostly not shy. They were fun-loving, outspoken, smart, clever, achievers.

I was employed by a Jewish family who owned a deli in our area, Fred and Murry’s, during high school and in the summers after when I was home for college.

They were hard-working, joyous, expressive, intelligent, with a deep love of family, food and their heritage.

I didn’t really understand the difference between their people and my Christian people, until now. But I get it.

They were tribal because history had taught them that sticking together was necessary for survival.

They were protective and defensive because they had been oppressed.

They were focused on financial acumen because in the past, society had tried to strip them of all they had.

They were vocal because they refused to be silenced.

And they reveled in the joy of living because the worst kind of evildoers of the past had tried to take that away.

The Jewish people have survival deeply embedded in their souls. I share with them the belief that heaven happens now, the ordinary moments of our life here on earth.

It is our responsibility to make our own children feel important, to empower them with a voice, to deliver them an education, to provide for them, to work hard, to build wealth for future generations, to enjoy life to the fullest.

This is what I learned from being around Jewish people.

Sending love to all people of the Jewish faith for Hanukkah 2023 and always.

Dina Gio works as a freelance writer, copywriter, content strategist, and website marketer. Contact her via the contact page up top for your next project today.