February 23, 2025
suzanne why i run

Why I Run | Suzanne’s Corner

The essence of who I am begins with my why. Why do I fight so hard to try and change lives? Why do I fight so hard to stay committed to my health and wellness?

The Run to Change Lives family has been a warm and friendly place to share all our journeys, our sorrows, and victories. It has been pivotal in me sharing my story, and offering hope to all those who are lost. People ask me all the time “WHY DO YOU RUN?”

I run when life is suffocating me, and the open pavement provides strength and air to breathe.

I run to pray for all of those who reach out to me for guidance…for those who feel as if their life has nothing left to offer.

I run in times of confusion, when I’m stuck and torn between the strings of my heart verses the soundness of my brain.

I run to dream. I hear the Boston Marathon crowd in my head. I envision the spectators, I can feel the course, and close my eyes and feel the victory of this accomplishment.

I run to see God’s beauty and all the things that daily I take for granted. I run to hear nature, and for a moment in time…just simply be in awe of how our earth spins…and how I get to be a part of it.


Writer, competitive runner and visionary Suzanne Swanson shares inspiring words on the Run Before You Fly blog. She seeks to help those struggling in unhealthy relationships with food and alcohol to overcome their blocks and move on to self love.  Join her running, healthy lifestyle and emotional support group on Facebook! We’re encouraging, motivating, celebrating, believing in, and cheering for one another. We’d love to meet and know you!