February 23, 2025
suzanne today i run

Today I Run | Suzanne’s Corner

Today I run for our soldiers. For our heroes. For our men and women who have given tirelessly and relentlessly for my freedom and for my protection.

Today I run for this world, and how unbelievably broken it is. I run for those weary, and struggling. For those who are broken and sick. I run for our forefathers and what they fought for. I run humanity and kindness for all human mind, of all skin colors, ethnicities, and race.

I run for peace, and to ignite unity. I run to understand ignorance and to pray for patience. I run for to seek clarity of a world that I admit I am sometimes fearful of and disgusted by.

I run today to for this land that I love… Thank you.

Heroes… military, fire, police, first responders, doctors,

nurses, pastors, truck drivers, clerks, gas station attendants,

teachers, waitresses, waiters, lineman,

mental health counselors, and everyone else who I didn’t mention….. I RUN FOR US ALL TODAY. May we continue to love, to be a kind human, and may our spirits be filled with a United love for all mankind….

Writer, competitive runner and visionary Suzanne Swanson shares inspiring words on the Run Before You Fly blog. She seeks to help those struggling in unhealthy relationships with food and alcohol to overcome their blocks and move on to self love. Join her running, healthy lifestyle and emotional support group on Facebook!