October 16, 2024
Why Not Wednesday with Suzanne

“Why Not Wednesday” Rocket Fuel in My Cup | Suzanne’s Corner


Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you change your life?

Why not wake up today and decide today is the day you cut the excuses?

Why not wake up today and decide you are going put to rest doubt and fear?

Why not wake up today and forget the scale, forget the harsh screams of others and just be wonderfully you?

Why not wake up today and smile and wave at all them haters and naysayers?

Why Not Wednesday - Suzanne Swanson, Runner

Today is yours. The work is hard, and the road may be long, but the journey, every paved and unpaved mile will teach you something valuable. Set out to find gratitude in each mile.

Have acceptance in each setback, and have hope for every victory yet to come. Someone is watching you.

Show them kindness, teach them love, and let them in on your successes.

Bitterness need not apply. Now let’s go smash some pavement….after all, it is Wednesday!!




Suzanne Swanson makes it her personal mission to help people on the path to recovery. Her own struggles with alcohol and food have led her to a place of wanting to give back to the world. Follow her blog writings at Run Before You Fly