February 23, 2025
Run Before You Fly

Home for Me | Running Inspiration from Suzanne

A road trip doesn’t need to be in a car. This is home for me. The place where I feel right and steady. The place where all the outside noise and nonsense is not invited in.

This road is where I worked through my toughest battles, and celebrated my greatest victories. It’s where I can reason with myself, be humbled, and be excited about what lies ahead.

I am enjoying my last day of vacation today… feeling so grateful for what I have. A road trip on your feet is often the best kind to take. It doesn’t mean your destination has a limit, or a ticking clock… the arrival back to yourself is timeless.

Flowers grow in cracked pavement, and so you can grow, too.

Sign up for Suzanne’s Running Motivation Group on Facebook here. Read motivational posts on her blog at Run Before You Fly