January 17, 2025
Suzanne Run Before You Fly, The Journey

The Journey | Suzanne’s Musings

The journey…

In my teens had no clue. A balancing act of trying to fit in… but also trying to stay true to what “thought” I knew and believed about myself. I was learning to adjust.

In my twenties, I bobbled between both unrest and complete awe at the same time. I got married and I had my kids. I made the beds. I set the table. I was both scared and naive. I was still learning to adjust.

In my thirties, adulthood smacked me in my face. It brought death, and sadness. It brought my demons to the surface. It brought character and challenge. It brought battle scars and determination. I was still learning to adjust.

Now in my late forties, I am out on these same roads that held my feet as a teenager, as a young adult, to a grown adult.

My thoughts this morning lead me to a nostalgic stop in my mind. I think about all have learned and survived. I think about all that has tried to stop me and beat me. I think about how it’s never too late to strip away the unwanted and begin again.

I think about all the hope found on this quiet road. I think about how my heart is full, and how much I’ve yet to do. I am still learning to adjust…

Tinker with life, explore, and maybe even love yourself and others enough to enjoy the journey.

Let’s make today beautiful…

Writer, competitive runner and visionary Suzanne Swanson shares inspiring words on the Run Before You Fly blog. She helps those in unhealthy relationships with food and alcohol to overcome their blocks and move on to self love. Join her running, healthy lifestyle and emotional support group on Facebook!