March 12, 2025
hotel transyvania kraken scene

Kraken Fight Scene from Hotel Transylvania 3

If you love a good movie fight scene that also offers a killer theme song and a fierce yet goofy villain, then check out the Kraken Fight Scene from Hotel Transylvania 3.

It’s nothing less than what anyone would expect from Adam Sandler,  whose epic fight scenes and lovable characters have entertained us since Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison.

Drac Fights the Kraken Scene. Watch It Now.

I watch kid movies mom-style. I’m usually doing something else while the movie is playing, and  Mom A.D.D. will kick on periodically.

I could be running in and out  of the room to make and serve food. Or I might start working on web content from my phone.

Or whatever else I can think of that has nothing to do with the movie.

Well, who knows what I was up to when Hotel Transylvania 3 was playing on our TV.

But as soon as the Kraken song came on, I zoned right in… and it proved to be the most satisfying  fight scene I’ve ever witnessed.

Hotel Transylvania 3 Will Entertain and Enthrall the Entire Family

Cue it up and cozy up for a movie night this winter! It’s available on Amazon Prime here.

Or, just skip to the good part and get psyched for this mesmerizing fight scene… put your ear buds in for the full effect.

(Things get intense after Blobby saves the kids.)

Watch the Kraken Scene on YouTube Now

Most of the Kraken clips on YouTube won’t let you save them to a playlist.  This particular video had the embed feature. So I’m sharing it here but there are ones with better sound quality.

This Hotel Transylvania Kraken Scene clip has the best sound quality but there is no “embed” option so watch it on YouTube.

Would I recommend Hotel Transylvania 3 as a fun movie to watch with your kids? Definitely! Adults who are kids at heart will enjoy this movie, too.

Rent Hotel Transylvania 3 on Amazon Prime Video Now