March 12, 2025
open cupboard food pantry clinton nj

Open Cupboard Food Pantry of Clinton, NJ – How to Apply, How to Donate

  • Wondering how to donate food to families in need during the Coronavirus pandemic?

  • Are you yourself facing a family food emergency in North Hunterdon, NJ?

The Open Cupboard Food Pantry is located in Clinton, NJ and they serve families of North Hunterdon. They are in need of support at this time.

If you are worried about a family food emergency, please call or email the food pantry using the contact info posted on this page. They will walk you through the private and confidential process of applying to become a food pantry member.

If you would like to help support the food pantry in feeding our community members in need, please note that they are currently having spacing and inventory issues. The thrift shop, which was a major revenue steam for the food pantry, is currently not in operation as a result of quarantine stay-at-home orders.

The best way to help is to either make a monetary donation via their Facebook page (see below), or you can also purchase a grocery store gift card at Shop-Rite.

The gift cards will be used by their staff to keep their shelves fully stocked on a daily and weekly basis. Their volunteers will be able to keep track of what items are needed at the food pantry so that there is a good assortment of different types of food.

If you would like to donate to the Clinton NJ food pantry, here are some options:

  1. Donate online via PayPal on their Facebook page (see below)

  2. Donate via postal mail to:
    Open Cupboard Food Pantry
    PO Box 5071 Clinton, NJ 08809
  3. Stop by to drop off your donation in person during their normal business hours, which are:
  • Tuesday 9 to 12 a.m., and 4:30 to 7pm
  • Friday 9 to 12 a.m., and 4:30 to 7pm

Contact Info:

Open Cupboard Food Pantry and Thrift Shop

Phone: 908 730-7320

Follow the Open Cupboard Food Pantry and Thrift Shop of Clinton, NJ on their Facebook page here