March 13, 2025

Try the Spring Cleaning for Your Soul Journaling Challenge Right Now from this Blog Post

To celebrate this glorious spring weather in our corner of the world, I’m giving you a sample of the Spring Cleaning for Your Soul Challenge.
A gift to warm your heart on a warm spring day. Share it with your list if you like!

Spring Cleaning for Your Soul Challenge: Nurture Joy in the Small Moments.

Did you ever notice that the miraculous-seeming “big” things are actually a collection of very small things all grouped together?

Being able to view the world as a whole made up of miniscule yet necessary pieces is the first step in understanding how even “little things” that you do can make a big impact on the world at large.

In today’s Spring Cleaning for Your Soul challenge, we’ll put into practice the art of seeking and finding joy in the small and seemingly insignificant moments of our day.

Being joyful has everything to do with being present. Think of the beauty of the spring season that is unfolding before us. That beauty comes on slowly at first, yet is fleeting.

The fleeting quality of spring demands that we stay present at just the right time if we’re to fully experience and enjoy the moment.

The tiny green buds on the trees don’t rush through their process to become leaves bursting forth from branches. Instead, they take all of the time that they need to become fully prepared and ready before emerging into a new and evolved life form.

The flowers, too, each make their gradual, timed entrance into the symphony of color, scent and texture that is springtime on planet earth.

Likewise, if you long for a deeper and more connected life experience, then you must master the practiced art of slowing down and living in the present.

If you’re tired of rushing through your every minute, and you long to really savor each drop of precious nectar that is your life, then teach yourself how to slow down and live mindfully.

  • Mindfulness in your relationships could look like creating pleasure-filled rituals that you make the time for in your family life and friendships.
  • Mindfulness in your emotional life could look like spending time in solitude where you can soak in the beauty of nature while reflecting on all the good things that have come to you.
  • Mindfulness in your career could be taking that extra step to make sure the job is done right, and not rushing or taking short cuts.

Journaling Exercise: Nurture Meaning into Your Moments

Pick up your pen and writing pad; it’s time to sit with your thoughts in a meaning-filled journaling moment.

Write down five activities that you take pleasure in during your everyday life.

Are you finding time to be mindful in these special moments? Or are you rushing to the end, or becoming distracted and disconnected?

An example of this could be how you are when you spend quality time with your kids. Do you take them to the park but then sit with your smart phone the whole time?

What can you do differently to make your family jaunt to the park a more pleasurable, connected, and joy-filled experience? How can you help yourself stay mindful and present?

Decide what you might change in order to prolong enjoyment of your favorite activities. Jot down some helpful suggestions to follow.

Set Your Intention:

Commit to the activities that you listed in your prior journal example. Follow through by engaging fully each time you do something that you’ve made plans to enjoy, either alone or with family and friends.

Life and Wellness Coaches: Appreciated this content? All 15 Days of the Spring Cleaning for Your Soul Journaling Challenge are available for instant download.

This content comes with private label rights which means you can edit and put your name on it to publish on the web or print and use with clients.

Set this up as a series of social posts for your FB group or page. Copy and paste some or all of the days into a series of blog posts. Offer some days as the paid challenge, and others as a teaser if you like.

Want to use this to create income and help people live better? Set this up as an email challenge that goes out automatically after purchase. Make into a PDF download by copying and pasting into Canva… or even a plain old MS Word doc will work in a pinch.

You get 65% off this content using coupon code FORYOURSOUL. Ends before Monday April 17, 2023.

Learn more and order this done for you spring journaling challenge here.