October 16, 2024
wave at the haters

Wave at the Haters | Wednesday Wisdom from Suzanne

You have one life… one chance… one dream to leave a legacy. How you wake up and act today will set the stage for your life tomorrow.

DoI have regrets? Yes. Do I stumble with my choices sometimes? Absolutely.

DoI know that I will never allow certain people, places, or things to be responsible for the detrimental navigation of my own happiness? You bet your @ss I do.

Today is my day and yours…!! Don’t politely tell this world who you are. SHOW THEM.

I promise you, someone is watching. We have a choice, we have a say, and we determine who we will become.

Amen and amen!

Writer, competitive runner and visionary Suzanne Swanson shares inspiring words on the Run Before You Fly blog. She seeks to help those struggling in unhealthy relationships with food and alcohol to overcome their blocks and move on to self love.