January 21, 2025
essential oils healing benefits and uses

Essential Oils: Which Ones Do What?

Wondering about essential oils? Summer is the perfect season to try them out if you never have before.

Sure, some people swear by the expensive organic brands. But if you’re just getting started with oils and don’t want the high priced commitment, Amazon has plenty of high quality brands to try.

If you know almost nothing about essential oils, know this. A few drops (literally, just a few) go a looong way. They’re very potent.

To give you an idea… you only need about 4 to 8 drops in an essential oils diffuser that holds about a cup of water. So if you buy a 4 oz. bottle of your favorite essential oil, you probably won’t have to replenish your supply of that oil for a year, maybe even a fear years!

Lavender Oil from NOW Foods

Lavender Oil is Nature’s Mild Sedative – It Calms the Nervous System

Lavender oil has a calming effect. Diffuse some after a tension filled moment! Or just get the lavender oil going during the night-time wind down. It will make your kids feel pleasantly drowsy. Diffuse it solo, or blend with other calming oils like chamomile, rose geranium, and clary sage.

Majestic Pure Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Oil Sanitizes, Clears the Mind, Improves Mood and Smells So Fresh and Clean

Lemon Oil is a summertime favorite for its fresh, cleansing properties. It’s useful in just about any application, from floor washing to laundry freshening, to homemade lotions to DIY spray cleaning mixes.

I like to buy the big size (4 oz.) of lemon essential oil because I really do use this one about five times as much as other types of oils.

Sun Brand Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Oil Cools the Bite of Sunburn

Peppermint oil is useful for cooling the sting of sunburn. You can add a few drops to a spray bottle and spritz directly on skin. Please note that you may want to do a wrist test first if you’re prone to skin reactions. Peppermint oil feels VERY cool to the skin, so before you go dumping a bunch into your bath, approach with caution. I actually did that and my bath was NOT relaxing. You may want to mix 4 drops of lavender and 2 drops of peppermint if you’re going to bathe in it. No kidding, these oils are powerful!

Bugs Hate Peppermint and So Will Your Dog When You Use it as a Natural Flea and Tick Repellent

Peppermint Essential Oil repels fleas, ticks, ants, mosquitoes – basically any insect pests. I’ve heard mice don’t care for peppermint, either. To use it for this purpose, add a few drops to a cotton ball and wipe/then place the cotton ball at the entryways of your home. You can also add peppermint oil to your bucket of floor cleaning solution. The ratio is about 30 drops of essential oil to a gallon bucket of water with cleaning soap such as Dr. Bronner’s added. (So if you want a combo like lemon and peppermint, do 15 drops of each oil to a gallon.)

You can make your own flea and tick spray for dogs using peppermint oil, citronella or lemongrass oil, and clove oil. No one seems to enjoy the smell of this combination though, especially not your pets! About 7 drops of each oil in a 4-oz. spray bottle will do the trick.

Make a DIY Lemon-Peppermint Cleaning Spray that Keeps Bugs Away

Mix up about 10 drops peppermint and 10 drops lemon oil to fill a 4 oz. spray bottle with water and a 1/4 teaspoon of witch hazel. You can also put in a teaspoon of vinegar for more intense cleaning power. Shake it up and use as a surface cleaning spray which also repels insects. You can spray the entryways and windowsills of your home for protection against insect invaders.

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