January 21, 2025
happy new year 2022

Best Wishes in 2022 from Healthy Happy NJ

A Healthy, Happy, Prosperous 2022 to all, from Dina at Healthy Happy NJ.

If the social division of recent years has contaminated your relationships, may you reach understanding and repair what has been damaged.

If stress and worry have taken you out of the moment, may you know presence of mind and a peaceful heart.

If you have struggled to stay employed, felt plagued with worry at your job or found yourself buried under financial strain, may you find new ways to flow money your way.

If you have found yourself glued to technology and felt the accompanying unhinged feeling, may you return to those pastimes and activities that you love which bring you into the present and engage your hands and mind.

If your health has suffered, may you regain strength and vitality.

If you have struggled in stress-filled relationships, may you reach an understanding and rediscover connection with your most important people.

If you have lost a loved one, may your heart know comfort and healing. May you carry the best parts of that person with you toward being your best self, and sharing that beauty with others.

If your children have struggled or suffered as a result of what’s been thrust upon them, may they once again find connection in the real world… with friends, celebrations, togetherness, time spent outdoors, and a sense of stability and security.

If you have lost sight of the things that bring you joy, may you return to a sense of adventure and zest for living.

Heartfelt wishes for renewed health, happiness and prosperity to you and yours, in 2022 and beyond.