February 13, 2025
hope dealer

Find Your Way Friday with Suzanne

I’m here to let you in on something that took me years of unraveling to learn… Hope Is Here.

My headband today, “Hope is here,” has had significant meaning in every aspect of me changing my habits, my life disciplines, and my personal outcomes.

Hope is Here Suzanne Swanson

We are going to stumble… it’s okay.

We are going to lack grace somedays… it’s okay. We are going to feel defeated at times… its okay.

Because Hope lives in all of us. It lives in why you do the work you do. It lives in why we run. It lives in why we get excited about our personal victories. It lives in you and in your neighbors. It is the only thing we desperately cling to in our lowest, desolate moments.

My run this morning is dedicated to Hope. A Hope for you, and for me. A Hope for this nation, and this world.

Hope lives here… do not be discouraged, nor sad today. Fill your cup alive with Hope. Watch how one simple word and concept can change the course of this day, can change the attitude of your mind, and can change the ways of your heart.

Find your way to some Hope today… and you’ll find your way home.

#findyourwayhome #runningmotivation #friday

Writer, competitive runner and visionary Suzanne Swanson shares inspiring words on the Run Before You Fly blog. She seeks to help those struggling in unhealthy relationships with food and alcohol to overcome their blocks and move on to self love. Join her running, healthy lifestyle and emotional support group on Facebook! We’re encouraging, motivating, celebrating, believing in, and cheering for one another. We’d love to meet and know you!


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