February 22, 2025
free exposure for your business in healthy happy nj

How A Guest Post on This Blog Can Help You Be Found for Years to Come

It’s hard for me to explain the benefit of having your local NJ business featured in a post here on the Healthy Happy NJ blog. But it’s really more of a long-term investment in good traffic for you.

I think some people who are laying low during quarantine believe that if I put up a post about them, it’ll create a deluge of traffic heading toward their site. They feel like they’re not ready for that.

That’s not really how search engines work.

If I put a post up about your company or your event, here’s what will happen:

  • It will take about 2 weeks for the post to start showing up on Google at all.
  • Web searchers who search using the SAME keywords that I chose for the title of your post WILL find the post. People who type in different keywords will not.
  • You would ONLY get a deluge of traffic if I share the link to the post with followers who have signed up for future updates from me. Meaning, if I linked to your featured blog post on my (or anyone’s) fan page and people saw it. Or, if I sent out an email to my list of subscribers and featured your business in the message.
  • Even then, the deluge might not be that big because it depends on who’s currently tuned in and whether that person has any actual interest in what you offer.

The post where you’re featured will drop slowly over time in the search engine results in the following cases:

  • If someone else posts an article on their blog or website using the same exact keywords. Their post is more recent, so you drop down.
  • If a lot of people all post using those same keywords and other factors are also good – like the quality of the content they share, the frequency of their posts is consistent, their blog has a lot of content already on it, and other things… then their blog post that uses the same keywords as the blog post that you were featured in may also trump yours as it shows up in the results.
  • If a lot of time passes, or if I don’t keep up with publishing new content from this blog.

Keep in mind that if you don’t have a lot of actual OR keyword competition online, ONE post about you coming from this or any other popular blog could continue to direct search engine traffic your way for YEARS to come.

An example of that: suppose I feature some fictitious orchard called Johnny Appleseed in a post here. I use the words “Apple Picking Warren County NJ” in the post. No other orchard competes for those keywords.

The post gets indexed on Google. So in TWO years, if no one else (including me) posts content that uses those same keywords in the title, then YOUR post about apple picking at YOUR orchard will CONTINUE to pop up high on search engine results any time someone types those words into a search engine like Google.

Here’s a video, not sure if this will help but if anyone wants to learn and think about blog traffic, enjoy!

Submit Your Company News or an Article for FREE to Publish on Our Website.

My name is Dina. I work as a copywriter. I’m giving away free traffic from this website to yours! Need help creating a company website, managing your email newsletter, writing articles or posting on social? Just email info@healthyhappynj.com to submit FREE content to this blog OR hire me as your marketing person!