January 21, 2025
mary walker golden, yoga instructor

Personal Bill of Rights

Today’s post comes to you from the lovely and brilliant Mary of Mpower Yoga Wellness.

Do you set boundaries and expectations for others to respect your personal Bill of Rights?

Do you in turn respect the rights of others?

Some thoughts to think about as we navigate the awkward dance that is people trying to get along with people.


1. I have the right to ask for what I want.
2. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can’t meet.
3. I have the right to express all of my feelings, positive or negative.
4. I have the right to change my mind.
5. I have the right to make mistakes and not have to be perfect.
6. I have the right to follow my own values and standards.
7. I have the right to say no to anything when I feel I am not ready, it is unsafe or it violates my values.
8. I have the right to determine my own priorities.
9. I have the right not to be responsible for others’ behavior, actions, feelings or problems.
10. I have the right to expect honesty from others.
11. I have the right to be angry at someone I love.* (without treating them poorly)
12. I have the right to be uniquely myself.
13. I have the right to feel scared and say “I’m afraid.”
14. I have the right to say I don’t know.
15. I have the right not to give excuses or reasons for my behavior.
16. I have the right to make decisions based on my feelings.
17. I have the right to my own needs for personal space and time.
18. I have the right to be playful and frivolous.
19. I have the right to be healthier than those around me.
20. I have the right to be in a nonabusive environment.
21. I have the right to make friends and be comfortable around people.
22. I have the right to change and grow.
23. I have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others.
24. I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
25. I have the right to be happy.
…and so have others…

26. (Add-in) I have the right to protect, love and enjoy my body

Join Mary in person or on the virtual mat at MpowerYogaWellness.com