October 18, 2024

October Stress? Float Away from Chaos, into Autumn Delights.

Feeling frantic this fall? From finances to work woes, Americans claim more stress this year than last, according to data compiled by the APA.

But with a nip in the air, Lady Autumn donning her finest gold and crimson, and crackling fires wafting up into the starry night sky, is there really a reason to let stress steal from us all that is fall?

Let us leave worries behind, and make October about hearts and hearths aglow.

May we exhale any bad ju-ju, and enjoy the magic of this beautous and bounteous harvest in all of its intoxicating forms.

Release what may be robbing you of your rightful serving of autumn enjoyment. Let go of the October oughts and shoulds.

What if instead of fretting over the perfect Halloween costume, we just escaped into a blissed-out world?

How about clinking mugs, cozy blankets, flickering lights, and the ease of good conversation and mystical meanderings…

You don’t have to do and be it all this fall. Below, find stress relief suggestions from our panel of wellness experts.

If you’re having trouble getting there to fully immerse in the wonder and magic of October, read on for some pre-game stress-relief tips to set you right again.

Stress-free fall… let’s gooo. Tips from the pros:

Recovering after a stressful encounter…

Accidents happen. Sometimes an unfortunate occurrence brings trauma. Here’s emergency stress relief from Heart Healer Juliana Lindner:

“For sudden, intense stress, you need quick and powerful relaxation and recovery protocol. An example of this would be a car accident.”

“Recovery might involve retreating to a dark, quiet room with no noise or distractions, allowing your nervous system to fully relax and reset. It’s about creating a space where your body can immediately decompress from the shock without any added stimuli.

For ongoing, nagging stress, it’s about acknowledging the stressor, allowing yourself to fully experience it, and then letting your body naturally respond, ‘take over’, and release the tension.”

A trek into the wilderness with Juliana and her family… stress relief at its best.

Exhale stress away…

Executive Director of the Washington BID of Warren County, NJ, Melanie Thiel doesn’t let the stress of a high-demand job get to her. She offers a reminder to exhale away anxious feelings:

“Close your eyes and breathe deeply. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Do it slowly and really concentrate on the breath. Repeat a few times.

If you can get away from your desk, go for a walk alone and look at your surroundings. The trees, the flowers, appreciate what is around you.”

Fall MIni Crocheted Pumkpins
Melanie makes time for fall enjoyment… crocheting sweet little treasures, and enjoying fireside delights.

Aromatherapy eases stress.

Taking deep breaths gets easier when there’s something delicious in the air… try aromatherapy candles for their calming effects.

Get some great candles to bring a warm glow this fall.
Visit Riverside Wellness in Milford, NJ for hand poured candles.

What about a stress-relieving routine?

Wellness Coach Stacey Clark suggests a mindful morning to ease into the day with calm clarity and purpose.

“Practice self-care in the morning… before life gets busy,” is her advice. Her own morning ritual involves a hot beverage (coffee is her drink of choice), Bible reflections and prayer, and journaling to help bring focus to the day’s tasks.

Coach Stacey indulges in a nature walk daily.

As the day comes to an end, she recommends “more self-care with at least 30 minutes of exercise, and then a bedtime wind-down routine that doesn’t involve electronics.”

Take time for tea.

Cheryl Karcher of Hilltop Herbals brings us into the relaxing ritual of making tea…


“Place a fragrant herb tea bag in your favorite mug. Listen to the water gently come to a boil. Pour the water over your tea and breathe deeply of its essence.”

“Cover the mug with a lid and let it steep for a few minutes while holding the warm mug in your hands. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Remove the lid, and breathe.”

“Sip your hot tea, while listening to music, reading a few passages in your favorite uplifting book. Watch birds from your window, or simply shut your eyes and visualize peace.”

A relaxing herbal tea blend could include chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, linden, catnip, rose petals, calendula. Cheryl custom-blends her own healing herbal teas, made from locally grown ingredients.

She adds, “I will custom blend a tea just for you! Or enjoy one of my favorite regular blends like: Daily bliss, or Autumn Transitions ( for navigating seasonal change). And chill out with herbal tea…”

Cheryl Karcher of Hilltop Herbals Harvesting Pic
Cheryl offers a peek at her herb harvest in Bloomsbury, NJ

Explore Cheryl’s homegrown herbal tea selections on her website here.

Meditate your way to calm clarity.

Laura Knott of Grounded Earth Yoga offers yoga and meditation from the comfort of her home, to yours…

Laura Knott Yoga and Meditation

Escape stress with Laura at her weekly virtual classes, or join her in person at various yoga locations Hunterdon, NJ.

Follow Laura on Facebook here.

More Stress Relief Tips to Ease You into the Fall Season…

Get moving! Feeling bad? Move. Feeling sad? Move. Tired and run down? Move! Move your body. Every day. No excuses.

Sweat to the oldies, pump iron to rap music, listen to an audio cast while you walk, just move! You were made to move.

Pet your animals. Research has shown that sitting with and giving your pet some love lowers blood pressure.

Juliana Lindner and her big buddy, taking some quality down time.

If you don’t have a pet, go visit the animal shelter and walk a dog. Visit the cat room. Snuggle a bunny or talk to a fish.

Did someone say snuggles?

Make something yummy!

Cooking calms us. Good food comforts and heals.

Each person will have their own special rituals and and recipe for calm. Don’t overlook the wonder of October, an intoxicating potion of sensory delights.

Partake of nature. Venture into the woods, walk the riverside path. Crunch your boots upon fallen leaves. Inhale the pine-scented forest floor.

Cozy up at home. Build a fire. Light that candle tonight. Take out the knitting needles and sip a hot mug of happiness.

Walking dog by the water
Yoga and meditation guide Laura Knott heads to the water for some relaxation with her dog.

Be gracious. Extend to others your gratefulness, patience and appreciation. Spook out the neighborhood kids this trick-or-treat… find reasons to laugh and smile.

Carve a spooky pumpkin! Handicrafts help relieve stress.

Make it mindful. Take your time… enjoy the lights, sights, sounds and scents of the season!

Stressed copywriter Dina (owner of this blog) takes herself out for a walk.

Let go of perfection, embrace peace… and have yourselves a Healthy, Happy and Stress-Free Fall!

About Healthy Happy NJ

Healthy Happy NJ focuses on good health, self-care, wellness, and wholesome living. We share content from NJ business owners and writers… anything that would be considered healthy OR happy is welcome on our site!

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