October 24, 2024

Emotional Freedom Techniques with Julia Lindner

Have you ever asked for the magic wand to wave so you could make decisions easily and stop putting off what was important but felt oh-so hard to do?

Have you prayed for insight and guidance to make the right call when it came to deciding what was best for you & your family?

I am an Emotional Freedom Guide and I love helping Moms free up valuable mental real estate so they can show up for their family and themselves consistently, despite demanding schedules and life’s curveballs.

I am looking for Moms who live an active lifestyle with either a side hustle or FT business to answer a few questions that helps *us* be present, proud, productive, and playful in this life by exploring emotional health in motherhood.

After answering the questions in this form, you’ll receive a Thank you with a special gift for your time and honesty!

About Healthy Happy NJ

Healthy Happy NJ focuses on good health, self-care, wellness, and wholesome living. We share content from NJ business owners and writers… anything that would be considered healthy OR happy is welcome on our site! To have your article published here for free, email healthyhappynj @ gmail .com.

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